Stop me if you’ve heard this before…

Invisible Autism
2 min readJan 21, 2022

Right, so I’m Autistic.

I found out when I was 28.

That was probably a better time to find out than childhood, but still…

Ok then.

Well, it was earth-shattering, but also it felt as if for years I had been an orange leaf in amongst green and red leaves and I knew I wasn’t the same, but could only find negative ways to describe it.

I’m not like them, I can’t do this — I don’t understand that.

Now I am trying to figure out how to say things with neither a positive or negative flavour.

I am.

I can do —

I have done —

And I can get/ have gotten.

Anyway yes, I feel almost happy.

Medication will do the rest, won’t it? I don’t want to talk about depression or anxiety, thank you. I am so tired of seeing posts about that everywhere I look.

Yes, there are many people who are on the spectrum, no I do not want to say neuro-divergent it makes me think of that teen movie or about something like a brain-cleaner “Try a neurodivergent! Wash your cares away!”

Yes, thank you I know divergent is not the same as detergent. But it was a pun. Which is considered both a sign of high intelligence or low intelligence but I think it’s a matter of taste and perspective.

Just like many things!

Yes, many of us first worlders are quite unhappy. But sometimes it is not something that needs medication. It is part of first world syndrome.

You get most of your basic needs sorted and everything else is magnified until it reaches terrible proportions. Humans can never be happy, no matter how much they get.

So I am going to give up on secretly feeling guilty because I’m not a rich entrepreneur with three side-hustles or whatever people are saying now.

And I will not feel guilty for not being a savant.

Or a genius.

Or constantly repeating the same conversations over with people or writing numerous entries in my diary or blog about the same topics. That’s LIFE.

The same stuff, over and over, until it is sorted out or you do it right or you get closure or you wash your brain clean with a new and improved brand of neurodivergent — sorry, sorry.

What was I talking about?

Oh, who cares. I just wanted to thank the two people who subscribed to me last year and this year. Yikes, I think I might have more than 2 subscribers in total but I don’t want to look.

I’m sleepy because it’s quite hot here at the moment, this summer has been very sticky. It’s winter in the rest of the world, pretty much.

I think I might take a vicious pleasure in NOT having a side hustle. Is that bad?

Ok so now I’m just being silly, aren’t I?

Well, why not.

Not everything is serious.

God bless




Invisible Autism

Won the ‘being born on the Autism Spectrum’ lottery, working on what is neurotypical and what isn’t. I’m not American, don’t always understand their culture.